


Consuegra History

Consuegra is one of the oldest towns in the region where we find a continuous population, the comings and goings of many civilizations, all that have left their records in the history, until reaching what we are today. Some of those signs are still maintained nowadays.

First settlers

The Calderico hill served as a centre of settlement for nomadic groups since the times of prehistoric transhumance. Today, the few Celtiberian remains of the old town that have survived on the hill (walls), are evidence of that first permanent and continuous settlement of our history, which began with a castrum (little fortress) back in the sixth or fifth century BC. This castrum would serve as a settlement for a stable population, dedicated largely to livestock and trade in different products.


The arrival of the romans brings with it, one of the greatest changes. From that moment, the evolution of the small urban enclosure must have been fast, leaving definitively the old village of Calderico hill and constituting in the plain the base of the roman Consabura, provided with characteristic elements of the classic urbanism like bridges, roads, thermal baths, forum, circus, dam etc.

Consuegra, gradually became an area of agricultural production with several phases of development that reached its zenith, with a dense network of villas around it in charge of farms.

Visigothic Kingdom and Cordovan Caliphate

With the collapse of the Roman world and the arrival of the Germanic people, there was a long silence in the registers. Despite the establishment of the Visigoth capital in Toledo, we hardly have any documents regarding this era. Small and anecdotal Visigoth remains gives us the clue that Consuegra continued inhabited, but that it would lose a great part of its population in favour of the agricultural villas.

Along with the Visigoth, the Caliphate period is another of the great unknowns of our locality. The only information about the city during this period is extracted from later documents, namely: construction of a small fortification at the top of the hill and the existence of a mosque.

Kingdom of Castile

After being silenced for centuries, Consuegra returned to the texts as an important strategic area in which relevant war episodes occurred at the end of the 11th century. During the reigns of Alfonso VI, VII, and VIII (11th - 12th centuries), the city and its castle were one of the border keys in 1183, the consaburense territory was donated to the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem. From this moment until the Navas de Tolosa, the hospitallers managed to keep the territory of the castle of Consuegra under their protection. After Las Navas (1212), the battles moved far away, and tensions had been directed towards areas further south. Once the Mancha Alta was definitively taken, a new chapter in the history of Consuegra and its surroundings began.

Modern Age

Since the last Hapsburgs and the first Bourbons, the priory ended up becoming a property in the hands of royalty, adapting over time to the needs of the time. At the end of the 18th century, the break-up of the old regime caused the organization to fade away and lose its raison, as it was victim of the disentailment process of the middle of the 19th century.


Consuegra still had to attend in 1891, due to a terrifying flood, the most notable urban transformation of the last centuries. This allowed the town to extend the most important green area of the city, the creation of a new neighbourhood and the reorganization of areas close to the river.